Saturday, October 11, 2008

Day 2 - Potential UFO Landing Site!

Here's our latest (second) installment. Strangely, we had results on our first outing. It "appears" to be a UFO landing site and matches several descriptions we've read and photos we've seen. It's an exciting find and has us geared up to investigate some of the other sightings in our area. All that said, despite our initial assessment of the scene, we're not pros and maybe we missed something.

Someone very quickly replied to our youtube post saying what we had found was a hoax. Maybe so, but it would be very elaborate and since no one knew we were heading that way, it would have been a very random thing to do. Of course, there is no true evidence that, even if this isn't a hoax, that it was created by a UFO. It appeared that way. But without witnessing the creation first hand, we're slow to point fingers...up. As we strive to be good UFO researchers we need to remember to be skeptical and unbias.

Overall, we consider this a wonderful first day and look forward to what the future brings. If we find out anything more about the ash we found, or the weird metal spheres, we'll post about them here.

Until then, watch the skies! And if you see something in your area, let us know about it! We'll come check it out.

-- Jeff and Willem

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