Thursday, October 16, 2008

Photos from the "UFO Landing Site"

Okay, before we get to the photos, I would first like to point out that we were vindicated in our assessment of the "federation of light" mother ship visiting Earth on October 14th. This is what, the third day of said visit and we have yet to see a 2000 mile mothership hovering overhead...unless the aliens thought to paint it blue. :)

Now that that is out of the way, lets take a peek at some of the photos from what appeared to be a landing site. Though we have photo and video proof, along with physical evidence in the form of ash and weird metallic spheres found at the scene, we cannot conclusively claim that this was, in fact, created by a UFO. So we leave it to you to decide what you think. We'll continue our investigations and try to remain objective.

We have yet to find something to investigate this week, but we are scouring the papers, watching the news and asking around locally to see if anyone has seen something worth our attention. All that said, here are the pics!

This is our best pic of the site as a whole. You can see the circle, the ash in the middle and you can just make out the three circles within the circle we talked about in video #2. We've compared this photo to several others taken by people who claim their circles were made by UFOs. They're remarkably similar.

Here's a photo of the ash at the center of the circle. If you look closely you can also see the black metallic spheres. The spheres covered the whole site, but are easier to see against the gray ash.

Here is Jeff collecting some of the spheres. We used plastic tweezers to pick them up so as not to contaminate them...but man, did it make grabbing the little things hard. We should invest in rubber gloves!

And finally, here is our best close up of the spheres. This one almost looks translucent. Again, they were scattered throughout the site. We hope to get them tested, but aren't sure where to do that...nor are we certain we want to let them out of our sight. So we'll see what happens.

So, hopefully we'll find something to investigate and film for tomorrows video update! Either way, we'll deliver a video update on our findings!

-- Jeff and Willem


Anonymous said...

Heard around town you guys were doing this stuff. This is Paul Weisman. Went to highschool with you. Remember Joey Greer? Lol! Always picking the daisies, that one.

So you guys are freaks, but I heard about a crop circle thing in town. In the woods by Baker River. Know where that is? I'll send you directions so you can check it out. You're e-mail is the gmail acct in the profile, yes? I'll try it. gtg!


Jeff and Willem said...

Wow! Sweet. Got your e-mail and the directions. We're going to check the site out tomorrow and see what's up.

Joey Greer was an okay guy, though.

- J&W

Jeff and Willem said...

So yeah, thanks for the "tip". Really funny.